Elihu Burritt Library

Library Mission (before 2013)

The Mission of the Elihu Burritt Library is to provide quality information services and collections in support of the University's educational goals and, in so doing, meet the information needs of a premier Northeastern regional university.


  1. To provide and promote excellent and innovative library services, and improve methods in assisting library users in accessing appropriate informational resources.
  2. To provide digital services and collections and the infrastructure to support on and off campus users and to become a major resource for digital resources that support the curriculum.
  3. To develop and maintain library collections according to well defined plans and policies.
  4. To expand and expedite convenient access to these collections through efficient processing and organization of materials.
  5. To continue to evaluate organization structure and operations to manage human resources effectively.
  6. To utilize space resources effectively while ensuring proper maintenance, service and use of existing equipment, furnishings and facilities as well as ensure safety and security for library occupants and materials.