What do you think of our website?

Please let us know what you think of our website so that we can improve your experience using the library online.  If you’ve got a few moments and some thoughts about the matter, please go to: http://bit.ly/ccsulibsurvey.

2 thoughts on “What do you think of our website?”

  1. Much more needs to be done to bring the site up to date in terms of digital data and reference management. RefWorks does not cover it. In neither Library Services for Faculty nor Students is there any mention of any of this. Which is shocking. Dig into Southern’s site for starters. http://libguides.southernct.edu/citations/citetools
    You need to be explaining reference management options–at the least, Zotero and Mendeley, as they are free. Sente and Papers coverage would be nice. I’d be curious to know how Southern has access to Endnote. Coupled with that, instruction on coordinating that with databases, RIS files, etc. Speaking of that, is anyone concerned with linking Central to these things? I have yet to find Central as an option in a reference manager, At the very least, the site should explain how to use a Z39.50 protocol to solve this. To say nothing of information on pdf annotating and note extraction, issues with OCR in pdfs, tagging…etc. Please. This is a disservice to the entire academic community.

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