OCLC Enhancements September 10, 2007

1) New Search parameters for searching Closed Requests

The new parameters include all of the following:  Author (au:), Borrowing Library (bl:), Call Number (cn:), Illiad transaction ID number (tn:), Lending Library (ll:), Patron Department (pd:), Request closed date (rc:), Request identifier (an:), RLG reference id (rg:), Title (ti:).

2) Ability to view more than 20 requests in Request Manager categories:

Users can now view more than 20 requests in a category on the same screen in Request Manager.  A drop down box at the top of the list of requests allows users to choose from 20 (default), 50, 75, 99 records per page.  Once the selection is chosen it remains persistent thought the session.   This is available for all categories of requests.

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