Book: Newman’s Approach to Knowledge

There was something that I neglected to mention.  We have a rush order in with Amazon for the above title.  Lynn might come in and hand it to either of you, OR it could be in our mail.  When it arrives, leave it on my desk!  Thanks, Kim

reQuest is Fixed!!

From Steve at iConn:

(Monday, 4:11 p.m.) Based on the fact that we have received no complaints about slow response time in reQuest today, we are assuming that the troubles have been resolved. Last Friday, Auto-Graphics re-indexed the ILL database and that seems to have done the trick. Still, Auto-Graphics continues to monitor the system.

If you continue to experience slowness in reQuest or iCONN, please contact the Auto-Graphics helpdesk: 1-800-852-8686 or If you send an e-mail, please send a carbon copy of your message to me – so that I’m in the loop.

As always, thank you for your patience!

reQuest update – MONDAY, July 16

From Steve Cauffman at iConn:

ATTN: Libraries using reQuest ILL

Per Bill’s message this morning….please resume using reQuest ILL staff functions. The only way that Auto-Graphics can determine if the slowness issues are fixed is to place a normal load on the system.

If you continue to experience slowness, please contact the Auto-Graphics helpdesk: 1-800-852-8686 or

(If you send an e-mail, please put the Auto-Graphics tracking number: [5759:7320:32030] including the brackets in the subject line and send a carbon copy of your message to me – )

Apologies for the inconvenience…let’s hope this week is better.

reQuest is still slow – MONDAY, July 16

From Bill Sullivan at iConn:

As previously reported, the slowness issue appears to be related to “only” the ILL staff functions, therefore future updates will be sent to just the reQuest participation list.  Late on Friday, Auto-Graphics re-indexed the entire ILL database.  We will not know for sure if this fixed the problem until there is a full load on the system, which should occur by 10 am this morning. A-G has also set up a system that will enable them to trace the code as ILL Admin functions are performed, which may help them to isolate the cause of the slowness.  We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

reQuest is FIXED – Friday, July 13

The server replacement was completed at 1 AM ET this morning and all systems are now available.  We will not know for sure whether the problem has been fully resolved until there is more load on the system, which should occur by 10 AM this morning.  If you should continue to experience any slowness when using the system or when attempting to access the system, please report the problem asap to and let the help desk know what you were doing when you experienced the slowness.  Thanks for your assistance.

From Bill Sullivan, CT Digital Library

UPDATE on reQuest database

The server replacement will be performed starting at 11:30 PM ET this evening and will be completed by 4:30 AM ET tomorrow morning.  During that time, iCONN, reQuest and the web site will be unavailable.  If you should continue to experience slowness when using the system tomorrow, please report the problem asap to

Thank you.  Bill Sullivan

reQuest is SLOW — Thursday July 12

From Steve at iConn,

[Thursday, 8:06 a.m. – update] Auto-Graphics did some maintenance on their servers last night to correct slowness issues in reQuest and iCONN.

If you continue to experience slowness issues today, please contact the Auto-Graphics helpdesk at 1-800-852-8686 or (If you send e-mail, please send a carbon copy of your message to me so that I am in the loop).

Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience! (Special thanks to the library staff members that reported the issue!)

Regards, Steve

Searching TIP to find reQuest ILL’s in Clio

Ok!  Here’s my tip of the day.  You are looking for a reQuest request.

In CLIO, go to Administration/ Open Tables/ Lending requests.  This will put you in the “live” database.

Tab over to the “Verified” field.

Hit [Control F] to open the search box and type in the reQuest number.

This may help you locate a reQ request in Clio when NOTHING else matches!

IFM invoices

OK, I goofed, I never did checked the April IFM report!  Gee I wonder why?

Expect to hear from other libraries calling about invoices that I sent them about IFM charges that didn’t go through.  Several of them will probably tell you that the request was paid for on the April IFM report.

Take the information, apologize and tell them that I must have missed it and that you will pass the information along to me.   Thanks!

Shipping photocopies to Donohue Group libraries

I heard back from Teri at DON. She will notify the libraries that we are willing to send the copies via email. If an email message appears, then we will be good to go.

BUT in the meantime, she gave me an email addresses for Sikorsky and I have entered into the address book in Ariel.