Tag Archives: Queues

ILLiad’s new Written Off Queue

Chris and I got talking a while back as she processed an OLD unpaid lending BFR. It occurred to me that I could use ILLiad to keep track of this for us. So, today I created a new queue in lending: Written Off Queue.

When we write an unpaid bill off, just route it to this queue and we will keep it there until ILLiad is gone…..

Awaiting Lending REVIEW queue

Several weeks back I created some custom Queues for Borrowing and Lending questions. In Borrowing, the queue is used for requests that I need to deal with.

In Lending, they could be requests that we have to email the library and ask a question, or just a request that you don’t want hanging in the Awaiting Lending Request Processing Queue while you wait for an answer.

The problem was on the Lending side, I could not get the queue to show up in the proper place. This problem has now been fixed and will appear under the Process pull down menu when you are processing the Lending and ISO Lending request! Success!