Please join us for the Elihu Burritt Birthday Party!

The Burritt Bicentennial event will take place in Special Collections at the library at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, December 8, 2010.

Sherrod Emerson Skinner III, the great-great-great grand nephew of Elihu Burritt will deliver keynote remarks.

December 8, 2010 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Elihu Burritt, New Britain’s most famous citizen.  Burritt is known as  “The Learned Blacksmith”, who from humble beginnings as a blacksmith’s apprentice, went on to become an internationally recognized 19th century pioneer peace activist, abolitionist, self taught linguist, writer and lecturer.  The Elihu Burritt Bicentennial celebration is an excellent occasion to honor the memory of this great man and to revive our community’s pride in this interesting personality.

Materials from the Elihu Burritt Collection will be on display through the month of December.

Birthday cake and Burritt birch soda will be served.