Seeking Volunteers for the “Human Library” – April 8th

Human Library logo

This year’s Human Library will take place on April 8, 2020 from 12:15-1:20 pm at the Elihu Burritt Library (second floor). The library needs volunteers for the 12:15-1:20 slot. Volunteers receive free food and a t-shirt.

What is the Human Library?

A Human Library is an event that encourages people from different backgrounds to talk with and learn from each other. Human Books are volunteers who are willing to share their stories and/or their expertise in a one on one or small group conversation. (There is no official reading or writing involved). Participants can “borrow” human books for up to 20 mins at a time in order to have a conversation and ask questions about the book’s topic.

The library is a safe place to have some positive conversations to challenge stereotypes and prejudices, learn about a career, or just to get to know another individual.

“Pillars of Prejudice” and Ideas for Human Book Topics

The “Pillars of Prejudice” are very broad topics or categories that may help potential “books” chose what aspects of themselves they may be interested in sharing with others. Again, these are very broad and don’t necessarily cover all possible topics. If you would like to be a book but aren’t sure if your topic fits any of these categories, please contact us directly (contact info at bottom of page).

The current pillars are:

  • Addiction (e.g. former drug user, gambling)
  • Disabilities (e.g. autism, brain damage, rare impairment)
  • Ethnicity (e.g. Somali, Asian)
  • Family relations (child of an alcoholic, adopted)
  • Gender (e.g. Transgender, intersex)
  • Health (e.g. anorexic, epileptic)
  • Lifestyle (e.g. Body modified, naturist)
  • Mental health (e.g. schizophrenia, depressive)
  • Occupation (e.g. Police officer, soldier, dentist)
  • Religion/Ideology (e.g. Muslim, Christian, Feminist, Anarchist)
  • Sexual orientation (e.g. bisexual, homosexual)
  • Social Status (e.g. refugee, homeless)
  • Survivors (e.g. survivor of Rape, survivor of stalking)

For more information and ideas go to