Tag Archives: tutorials

Burritt Library Adventures in Research Podcast/Vidcast series

The “Adventures in Research” podcast series started last week, but you can view episodes anytime after they’ve been aired. We created some new and updated episodes.

If you or your students would like to become a little more familiar with the library, some of its sources and enhance your information literacy skills, then tune in each week (most of the videos are short). You can access them through our LibGuides @


Here is the schedule:

Week 1 – New Burritt Library website and “Sisterhood of the Lost Girls” (ghost story library tour)

Week 2 – “Consuls and You” (Keyword search and finding books in the stacks) and CONSULS 2 (Title search)

Week 3 – Setting up a PIN and CONSULS 3 (Author search and requesting books from other CSU libraries)

Week 4 – Types of Sources and Academic Search Premier

Week 5 – Scholarly vs. Popular sources and Proquest Newspapers

Week 6 – Evaluating websites

Week 7 – Primary Sources and Requesting items through ILL