Established Families and New Arrivals

African Americans in Hartford during this time period hailed from a variety of backgrounds. African Americans existed in the city since Colonial times. Indeed, some of these individuals are buried in Hartford’s Ancient Burying Ground at the First Church of Christ, the oldest cemetery in the city. For centuries, African Americans were enslaved or found employment as servants in Hartford. Some had even served in the military during the American Revolution and Civil War.

Nonetheless, at the start of the decade there were far fewer African Americans in Hartford than in 1920. Many who came to the city originated from Georgia, Virginia, Mississippi, and other Southern States. Others came from throughout New England as well as New York. There were even inhabitants who came from the Caribbean. These arrivals marked the beginning stages of a migration that would continue throughout most of the twentieth century, and would have a lasting impact on the city.

Established Families and New Arrivals