Browse Collections (9 total)

Work Life

Goodspeed Opera House Blueprint.jpg

Photos related to the architectural work of Frederic Palmer

Contributors: Chelsea Marti

Project Blueprints

Goodspeed Opera House Blueprint.jpg

This collection is of a sampling of the projects Frederic worked on as an architect. Specifically these include the Hempstead Houses and the Goodspeed…

Contributors: Chelsea Marti


Miggie with Howard.JPG

This collection includes photos of some of the pets that Frederic and Howard owned over the years

Contributors: Chelsea Marti


Hospital Steward Promotion Certificate .jpg

Photos of objects related to the military service of Frederic Palmer Sr., Mary Brennan Palmer, and Howard Metzger.

Contributors: Chelsea Marti


Vase with Gardens .tif

This collections is of photos of the different topiaries and statuary Howard Metzger placed throughout the property.

Contributors: Chelsea Marti


House Intro Image.jpg

This collection has the earliest photos of the home (from 1934, 2 years before Frederic Palmer purchases the home), up to the most recent photos.

Contributors: Chelsea Marti

Home Life & Hobbies

Vase with Gardens .tif

This collection of photos shows how Frederic and Howard spent their time together, including gardening, taking care of pets, and going to the theatre.…

Contributors: Chelsea Marti

Car Collection

karhman ghia.tif

This collection is of photos of antique and contemporary cars owned by Frederic Palmer and Howard Metzger.

Contributors: Chelsea Marti

Antique Cars

Howard with Antique Cars.tif

This collection is of photos of Frederic and Howard's antique cars.

Contributors: Chelsea Marti