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CCSU - Poster Patriotic Press.jpg
Council of Defense propaganda poster addressing cooperation of CT newspapers

Paramount 1.jpg
A woman is dressed in a wartime uniform as she stands before a cannon. The text is to the left of the photo.

Perhaps the most iconic patriotic song of the Great War.

Our Good Mule Industry.jpg
Poster showing a mule "Industry" on a treadmill powering a factory, which is producing "Shoes," "Drugs," "Clothes," "Hats." The mule is bothered by files labeled "Strife," "Unfair laws," "Agitator," and "Taxation."

orders from Washington.jpg
The following are national orders regarding removal of pro-German books from library selves.
To the Several State Councils of Defense,
From time to time we have been advised by various State Councils that certain books of supposed…

On the Job for Victory.jpg
Poster showing a workman in a shipyard.

Homepage for documentation for the Omeka project, with links to topics such as:Getting Started with the Software Application Getting Started with Project Planning Working with Omeka Admin Working with Omeka Plugins Designing & Developing with…

For going deeper, including release notes / change lists for versions of Omeka code, software developer supportive explanations of structures, functions, and how to hook into, theme, or otherwise "tweak" the system at a code level.

More Nurses in Welcome Home Parade.png
Nurses march past the Thomaston Opera House in the Welcome Home Parade on July 19, 1919.

Nurses in Welcome Home Parade.png
Nurses ride past Trinity Church in Thomaston's WWI Welcome Home Parade on July 19, 1919.
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