Browse Items (312 total)

CCSU - Making  of an American Ad 2.jpg
Ad image for film, the Making of an American, produced by the Connecticut State Council of Defense to demonstrate the benefit to foreign-born individuals of learning to speak English and to get an education Americanization; film The Making of An…

CCSU - Making of an  American Ad 3.jpg
Ad image for film, the Making of an American, produced by the Connecticut State Council of Defense to demonstrate the benefit to foreign-born individuals of learning to speak English and to get an education Americanization; film The Making of An…

CCSU - Act Concerning Aliens.jpg
Enactment of the Connecticut General Assembly to authorize regulation of foreign-born persons in Connecticut during war time.

CCSU - Repubilican Club.jpg
Letter to Governor Holcomb from Republican Club of NY suggesting legislation to mandate that enemy aliens wear a button or pin identifying their nationality

Image booth in Connecticut during World War I providing information to foreign-born concerning the benefits and obligations of being an American

CCSU - President's War Address.pdf
Text of address by President Woodrow Wilson to Congress on the eve of the United States entry into World War I

CCSU - Liberty Choruses.pdf
Cover sheet to music of Liberty Choruses produced by Connecticut State Council of Defense

CCSU - For Native-Born American Women.pdf
Pamphlet produced by Connecticut State Council of Defense to educate and encourage native-born American women to do their part in advancing Americanism.

CCSU - Bulletin 1 Suggestions for Enemy Aliens.pdf
Pamphlet published by Connecticut State Council of Defense summarizing suggestions from President Wilson addressed to enemy aliens.

CCSU - Bulletin 2 Conditions to Know.pdf
Pamphlet published by the Connecticut State Council of Defense summarizing information provided by President Wilson addressed to aliens
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