Browse Items (312 total)

IMG_20161104_124955034 herst and cofidential.jpg
The following is a correspondence from The New Mexican Council of Defense to the Connecticut Council of Defense in action against Hearst's papers.
We beg to acknowledge receipt of your circular letter #5 dated June 17.
This Council has…

Corset Shop1.jpg
Small advert with a cartoon of a war nurse kneeling by a German Shepard. A medicine bag is on the foreground. Text to the right of the image. Full special border surrounding the advert.

Brennan Store1.jpg
Advert focusing on patriotic feelings, asking if you support America, then to buy their clothing.

Teamwork Wins.jpg
Poster showing men at work in a shipyard, beneath an American flag.

Small advert offering to ship Vermont Maple Sugar and/or Maple Syrup to relieve the sugar shortage. They are sending tons of the sugar to the boys in France.

New Britain High School students building gas masks for soldiers during World War 1.

Strikers in Bridgeport.jpg
Workers strike for an eight hour work day, ultimately succeeding in their protests.

CCSU - State Campaign of Americanization.jpg
Connecticut State Council of Defense, Department of Americanization, State Campaign for Americanization

Stanley works plant 1.jpg
The Stanley Works plant in 1919 where war materials were produced for the U.S military during World War I.
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