Advertising and WWI


Advertising and WWI


Jared Leitzel

Collection Items

A soldier is next to his horse, standing over cases of Bevo drink, with supply trucks in the distance.

Bishop Studio
Small text advert recommending photographs for soldiers kits.

The Brennan Store
Advert focusing on patriotic feelings, asking if you support America, then to buy their clothing.

Brer Rabbit Molasses
Cartoon consisting of a can of Brer Rabbit Molasses next to a loaf of bread, a knife and a pitcher, presumably of milk. Text above and below image.

Columbia Records
Advert showing multiple cartoon scenes. Men in trenches under a bombardment, a doughboy marching with a smile, a Gramophone and soldiers and sailors on a steamship.

The Corset Shop
Small advert with a cartoon of a war nurse kneeling by a German Shepard. A medicine bag is on the foreground. Text to the right of the image. Full special border surrounding the advert.

Gustave Fischer Company
Advert has a drawing of the Fischer Safety Fountain Pen. It suggests that the product should be purchased for letter writing to and from the war.

Florida East Coast
Small advert with a saluting soldier in a field of flowers, next to a road. There is a car moving down the road to a resort style destination in the background.

Lucky Strike
Top has an image of someone eating a plate of fried eggs on toast. There is a overlaid circle which reads "Use more EGGS save meat". Center panel reminds you that the government asks you to save meat for the war effort, and continues to suggest…

Meara Bros.
Medium sized advert suggesting to purchase clothing accessories for men and children. Text only.
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