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  • Collection: Music in World War 1

State Library - Enfield.pdf
This souvenir program shows that the Enfield Liberty Chorus performed at this Veterans celebrations.

Connecticut Bulletin - National Division of Liberty Choruses (8-9-1918).JPG
This article describes that Connecticut Division of Liberty Choruses went to Washington DC to assist in creating a campaign for nation wide liberty choruses.

Hartford Courant - Musical America Editorial Article.pdf
This is the editorial about an article written in the magazine "Musical America" regarding different Liberty Choruses in Waterbury.

March for Our Lives Logo.jpg
This logo is from the March for Our Lives movement for stricter gun control

Connecticut Bulletin - Maine Copies CT (12-28-1917).JPG
This article described how Maine began doing liberty choruses after seeing the success in Connecticut.

LOC - Lullaby.pdf
Sheet music booklet for the song "While Your Daddy's Far Away."

Lincoln HeightsTrim4.mp4
This is a clip from Season 4, episode 10 of the ABCFamily show Lincoln Heights. In this clip, Tay Sutton is performing a song he wrote for his brother who is a veteran. The song is called "We'll Fight For You."


Liberty Chorus Booklet Front Page.pdf
This song booklet contains nine different songs, including "America the Beautiful," "The Star Spangled Banner," and "America (My Country 'Tis of Thee)"
**Whole Song Booklet is separate item titled "Liberty Chorus Song Booklet"**

This song booklet contains nine different songs, including "America the Beautiful," "The Star Spangled Banner," and "America (My Country 'Tis of Thee)"

Connecticut Bulletin - Liberty Chorus Notes (11-15-1918).JPG
This article explains the success of the national liberty chorus campaign. The article states that 30 states now had liberty chorus directors.
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