Browse Items (24 total)

  • Collection: Advertising and WWI

The Metro1.jpg
Medium advert, all text, suggesting that a free service flag would be given to every mother who registers their boys name who is serving.

Tobacco Fund1.jpg
Advert requesting readers to volunteer to send in money for the purchase of tobacco to be shipped to the war for morale.

Corset Shop1.jpg
Small advert with a cartoon of a war nurse kneeling by a German Shepard. A medicine bag is on the foreground. Text to the right of the image. Full special border surrounding the advert.

Brennan Store1.jpg
Advert focusing on patriotic feelings, asking if you support America, then to buy their clothing.

Lucky Strike 1.jpg
Top has an image of someone eating a plate of fried eggs on toast. There is a overlaid circle which reads "Use more EGGS save meat". Center panel reminds you that the government asks you to save meat for the war effort, and continues to suggest…

Scotts Emulsion1.jpg
Small figure of a fisherman carrying a large cod on his back. Majority of advert is textual. Suggests that cod liver oil helped to build up tolerance in the training camps, and that continued use will protect one from colds, grippe (influenza),…

Picture Store1.jpg
Simple small advert of a frame around the text offering pictures of General Pershing for 30 cents.

Brer Rabbit1.jpg
Cartoon consisting of a can of Brer Rabbit Molasses next to a loaf of bread, a knife and a pitcher, presumably of milk. Text above and below image.

Paramount 1.jpg
A woman is dressed in a wartime uniform as she stands before a cannon. The text is to the left of the photo.

Patriotic Shopping1.jpg
Text surrounded by an artistic border. The recommendation is for shoppers to buy their Christmas gifts early, so that they can be shipped early, guaranteeing prompt delivery.
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