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  • Collection: Advertising and WWI

A medium advert featuring a photo of a young boy. Below the message reads that you can hire a young boy to do menial work to raise money for the war effort.

Wise Smith1.jpg
A medium to large advert promoting a department store which specialized in fur coats, toys, sleds and skates. There is a Americana shield which reads Free Souvenirs near the top left, and on the bottom right there is a figure of a child in a…

Picture Store1.jpg
Simple small advert of a frame around the text offering pictures of General Pershing for 30 cents.

The Metro1.jpg
Medium advert, all text, suggesting that a free service flag would be given to every mother who registers their boys name who is serving.

Tobacco Fund1.jpg
Advert requesting readers to volunteer to send in money for the purchase of tobacco to be shipped to the war for morale.

Corset Shop1.jpg
Small advert with a cartoon of a war nurse kneeling by a German Shepard. A medicine bag is on the foreground. Text to the right of the image. Full special border surrounding the advert.

Brennan Store1.jpg
Advert focusing on patriotic feelings, asking if you support America, then to buy their clothing.

Small advert offering to ship Vermont Maple Sugar and/or Maple Syrup to relieve the sugar shortage. They are sending tons of the sugar to the boys in France.

Two men standing together apparently smoking. The younger one seems to be in a uniform, the older one in dapper clothing. Text to the left.

Security Trust1.jpg
Small advert offering free safe deposit vault access for small holdings of Liberty Bonds.
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