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  • Collection: "Americanization Movement in Connecticut - World War I "

CCSU - Bulletin 1 Suggestions for Enemy Aliens.pdf
Pamphlet published by Connecticut State Council of Defense summarizing suggestions from President Wilson addressed to enemy aliens.

CCSU - Bulletin 2 Conditions to Know.pdf
Pamphlet published by the Connecticut State Council of Defense summarizing information provided by President Wilson addressed to aliens

CCSU - Beware of Spies.pdf
Poster prepared by Connecticut State Council of Defense as part of Americanization efforts

CCSU - War Rally.jpg
Poster for War Rally on December 14, 1917 in Litchfield supported recruitment efforts.

CCSU - Item Liability.pdf
Circular: The Non-English Speaking Employee In Industry
A Liability, Not an Asset

CCSU - Poster What is.jpg
Council of Defense poster on what Americanization is

CCSU - Poster Patriotic Press.jpg
Council of Defense propaganda poster addressing cooperation of CT newspapers

CCSU - Poster Newspapers.jpg
Council of Defense propaganda poster emphasizing assistance and cooperation of CT newspapers

CCSU - Poster True Americanism.jpg
Connecticut State Council of Defense propaganda poster addressing what true Americanism means

CCSU - Poster Rallies.jpg
Poster addressing the success of Council of Defense War Rallies
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