Browse Items (312 total)

Tobacco Fund1.jpg
Advert requesting readers to volunteer to send in money for the purchase of tobacco to be shipped to the war for morale.

IMG_20161104_124056228 leaflts on spys mass prdouced.jpg
A mass produced and circulated warning by the Daily Times warning the public of Connecticut to report anyone suspicious.

Her Uniform Style- WWI Uniform changes in US.png
Images of Women Wearing New Styles of Red Cross Uniforms

Corset Shop1.jpg
Small advert with a cartoon of a war nurse kneeling by a German Shepard. A medicine bag is on the foreground. Text to the right of the image. Full special border surrounding the advert.

the german whisper.jpg
The First Page, "Mr. Citizen, you are now on the firing line, Imperial Germany is not merely attacking on the western front. She is attacking in every community in the United States. Her assault is under the direction of the German General staff. It…

War Time Fashion Bridgeport,.png
Department Store advertisement for new War Time fashions in Bridgeport newspaper

War Time Fashion-Bridgeprot Press.pdf
Description of Economic War Time Fashion and Fabrics for Summer in advertisement

Brennan Store1.jpg
Advert focusing on patriotic feelings, asking if you support America, then to buy their clothing.

Lucky Strike 1.jpg
Top has an image of someone eating a plate of fried eggs on toast. There is a overlaid circle which reads "Use more EGGS save meat". Center panel reminds you that the government asks you to save meat for the war effort, and continues to suggest…

A World War I era gas mask and bag used by American forces.
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