Tag Archives: Scanner

When the scanner and BScan just won’t work

Sometimes, nothing will make the scanner cooperate. When this happens, this is what I would suggest doing.

Shut down the computer and then reboot it, but don’t open any programs.

To completely shut down the scanner, there is a toggle switch on the back right side of the scanner. Turn it off. Wait 10 seconds.

Turn the toggle switch back on and wait 10 more seconds.

Turn on the green button on the front of the machine and wait 10 more seconds.

Reopen BScan. If there is anything in there, delete it by clicking “New Session”. Reopen Ariel.

If the scanner bulbs are not quite a full, calibrate the scanner.

Hope this helps, Kim

The Digital Microfilm Machine

The Scanwrite software on the Digital Microfilm machine on the fourth floor was upgraded this week after the CPU was replaced.

The major improvement is that you can now print from the scanner using [F11]. If you want to save the JPG to your flash drive, [F10] works too.

We have created a “Welcome Screen” that will open up when a patron logs in. To continue on to the software, hit any key. When the patron is done, type “QUIT”.