HomeManuel (Manny) Reyes

Manuel (Manny) Reyes

This is a homepage for aggregation of all materials related to Manuel (Manny) Reyes, as collected by student Morgan Bengel in 2017. There are several other ways to aggregate materials. This one uses "Simple Pages". The 2 other ways to organize information using Omeka would be to use the "Collections" and/or the "Exhibits" (through the "Exhibit Builder" plugin). 

 The following are the items found in the Collection:

  • Connecticut Police Academy Program Listing Manuel (Manny) Reyes - https://library.ccsu.edu/latinohistoryharvest/admin/items/show/1
  • Office of the Mayor, City of New Britain Proclamation about Manuel (Manny) Reyes - https://library.ccsu.edu/latinohistoryharvest/admin/items/show/2
  • Interview with Manuel (Manny) Reyes (audio - MP3) - https://library.ccsu.edu/latinohistoryharvest/admin/items/show/4

The authorization forms for each of these items is also included in the collection.