Browse Items (312 total)

Corset Shop1.jpg
Small advert with a cartoon of a war nurse kneeling by a German Shepard. A medicine bag is on the foreground. Text to the right of the image. Full special border surrounding the advert.

IMG_20161104_124955034 herst and cofidential.jpg
The following is a correspondence from The New Mexican Council of Defense to the Connecticut Council of Defense in action against Hearst's papers.
We beg to acknowledge receipt of your circular letter #5 dated June 17.
This Council has…

Tobacco Fund1.jpg
Advert requesting readers to volunteer to send in money for the purchase of tobacco to be shipped to the war for morale.

librarians responce.jpg
One librarians response to orders for a librarian to remove dangerous books from the the stacks.
"Mr. A. B. Sands
Heartford Conn.
Dear Sir,
Your communication to free Public Library Mt Carmel relative to withdrawal of Pro- German books from…

CCSU - Making of an  American Ad 3.jpg
Ad image for film, the Making of an American, produced by the Connecticut State Council of Defense to demonstrate the benefit to foreign-born individuals of learning to speak English and to get an education Americanization; film The Making of An…

The Metro1.jpg
Medium advert, all text, suggesting that a free service flag would be given to every mother who registers their boys name who is serving.

The Minute Women of Bridgeport.jpg
Promotion for women to work at ammunition and firearm factories during World War I

CCSU - Item Liability.pdf
Circular: The Non-English Speaking Employee In Industry
A Liability, Not an Asset

Picture Store1.jpg
Simple small advert of a frame around the text offering pictures of General Pershing for 30 cents.

IMG_20161104_131736947 newspaper clipping housewifes against fake hover letter.jpg
The images include the press release the Council of Defense recommended and the corresponding article.
The Information for the Press states,
"Hartford, November 11--- The attention of the Connecticut State Council of Defense has been called on…
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