The Press and Housewives Against Food Saboteurs
Food sabotage
The images include the press release the Council of Defense recommended and the corresponding article.
The Information for the Press states,
"Hartford, November 11--- The attention of the Connecticut State Council of Defense has been called on what is presumed to be Pro-German propaganda conducted by men who are trying to hamper the work of the United States Food Administration in this State. They have sent letters bearing forged signatures of Herbert Hoover to a number of housewives telling them that 1/3 of their accumulated supplies of preserved fruit, vegetables, etc. is liable to confiscation. The Council has issued a warning to all housewives not to give up any of their provisions if they are asked to do so but to let the nearest police authorities know the full details of any facts they may learn. If agents approach a house and seek to confiscate any goods the persons approached are urged to hold the agents and turn them over to the police authorities. No such action as is threatened in the letters has been authorized or even considered by the Federal Food Administration or by the Food Committee of the State Council.
Two women in New Haven have letters of this sort, mailed from Hartford and dated November 2. A woman living in Alington is reported to have been visited by a fake agent who took away part of her preserved fruits."
While there is no record of the saboteurs being caught, it is possible the public waring and alert has dissuaded these fake agents from trying again. It is important to recognize the press release as close collaboration between the council of Defense and the press is order to avoid sedition charges by cooperating with the Council for the War effort. This report also gives housewives a mandate to help with the war effort in detaining or holding these agents should they be approached.
The Information for the Press states,
"Hartford, November 11--- The attention of the Connecticut State Council of Defense has been called on what is presumed to be Pro-German propaganda conducted by men who are trying to hamper the work of the United States Food Administration in this State. They have sent letters bearing forged signatures of Herbert Hoover to a number of housewives telling them that 1/3 of their accumulated supplies of preserved fruit, vegetables, etc. is liable to confiscation. The Council has issued a warning to all housewives not to give up any of their provisions if they are asked to do so but to let the nearest police authorities know the full details of any facts they may learn. If agents approach a house and seek to confiscate any goods the persons approached are urged to hold the agents and turn them over to the police authorities. No such action as is threatened in the letters has been authorized or even considered by the Federal Food Administration or by the Food Committee of the State Council.
Two women in New Haven have letters of this sort, mailed from Hartford and dated November 2. A woman living in Alington is reported to have been visited by a fake agent who took away part of her preserved fruits."
While there is no record of the saboteurs being caught, it is possible the public waring and alert has dissuaded these fake agents from trying again. It is important to recognize the press release as close collaboration between the council of Defense and the press is order to avoid sedition charges by cooperating with the Council for the War effort. This report also gives housewives a mandate to help with the war effort in detaining or holding these agents should they be approached.
Connecticut Council of Defense
Connecticut Council of Defense, 11 Nov. 1917, RG 30 Box 56, Folder 24.03, Council of Defense, 1917-1919, Connecticut State Library Archives.
Connecticut Council of Defense
November 11, 1917.
Letter, and newspaper clipping
Original Format
letter, Newspaper