Browse Items (312 total)

Main Street 1910.JPG
Post card of Ridgefield crica 1910


LOC - I Want You Poster.jpg
Iconic "I Want You" army recruiting poster.

Hartford Courant - Musical America Editorial Article.pdf
This is the editorial about an article written in the magazine "Musical America" regarding different Liberty Choruses in Waterbury.

Bunker Hill Liberty Chorus - Sunday Republican.JPG
This article describes events happening on Bunker Hill, including that the Bunker Hill Liberty Chorus will meet "Tuesday evening, Sept 17, at 8 o'clock at the church"

Connecticut Bulletin - First Liberty Chorus Rally (10-19-1917).JPG
This articles discusses the first time a liberty chorus performed at a war rally.

Connecticut Bulletin - Maine Copies CT (12-28-1917).JPG
This article described how Maine began doing liberty choruses after seeing the success in Connecticut.

Connecticut Bulletin - National Division of Liberty Choruses (8-9-1918).JPG
This article describes that Connecticut Division of Liberty Choruses went to Washington DC to assist in creating a campaign for nation wide liberty choruses.

Connecticut Bulletin - Liberty Chorus Notes (11-15-1918).JPG
This article explains the success of the national liberty chorus campaign. The article states that 30 states now had liberty chorus directors.
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