Registration of German Property

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Registration of German Property


Registration of German Property


The following are orders from the Connecticut Council of Defense, May 28, 1918.
"To all local Agencies:
It is necessary that the Alien Property Custodian shall locate all property owned by enemies, our allies of enemies, in the United States. We are ordered to get this information by the authorities in Washington, and we therefore ask that you collect for us all possible information concerning such property within the jurisdiction of your War Bureau or Town Committee.
We want to know who owns such property, the nature of it, and any other facts you may be able to gather, and we urge that you send in this information to us as fast as it is received, even though it cannot be verified.
To clarify the confusion now existing over the term "enemy" as used in connection with property, we give below a condensed statement of its interpretation:
1. By "enemy" as here used we mean every person living within, and every company incorporated within, Germany, Austria Hungary, and all territory occupied by the office forces of the Central Powers.
2. By "ally of enemy" we mean every person living within and every company incorporated within any of the allies of Germany and Austria Hungary.
3. RESIDENCE and not CITIZENSHIP is the determining factor except in the case of Germans and Austro-Hungarians held in the custody of the War Department who are considered as "enemies". Germans, Austro-Hungarians, etc. residing in the United States are not considered "enemies", but Americans residing on enemy soil are so considered.
4. "Enemy" owned property includes all kinds of property where the money, securities, chattles, accounts receivable, etc. belong to an "enemy".
5. If the property is held in the name of another, whether by dummy or in the trust, and if the beneficial interests belong to an "enemy", it is "enemy" property.
We urge upon you the necessity of obtaining this information as quickly as possible, and of transmitting it to us as you receive it.
Connecticut Council of Defense
Assistant Secretary."


Connecticut State Council of Defense


Connecticut State Council of Defense, 28 May 1918, RG 30 Box 56, Folder M27, Council of Defense, 1917-1919, Connecticut State Library Archives.


Allen Kozloski


May 28, 1918






Typed orders

Original Format
