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CCSU - Poster True Americanism.jpg
Connecticut State Council of Defense propaganda poster addressing what true Americanism means

CCSU - Poster Rallies.jpg
Connecticut State Council of Defense propaganda poster emphasizing the success of war rallies around the state

CCSU - Poster Newspapers.jpg
Council of Defense propaganda poster emphasizing assistance and cooperation of CT newspapers

CCSU - Poster Patriotic Press.jpg
Council of Defense propaganda poster addressing cooperation of CT newspapers

colt oil.png
A women working at Colt Manufacturing Company oiling a machine.

Which Will Your Brother or Sweetheart See?.png
Advertisement trying to convince middle and upper class women to apply for war work at the U.S. Employment Bureau in Bridgeport, CT.

Waterbury in Throes of Labor Disturbance.png
While workers at area shops threatened strikes, the Plume & Atwood Company declared a 9-hour day.

P&A Strike with women 1919.png
5,000 workers in area manufacturing companies went on strike; at Plume & Atwood, 200 women gathered outside and challenged the men inside to walk out.

Teamwork Wins.jpg
Poster showing men at work in a shipyard, beneath an American flag.

On the Job for Victory.jpg
Poster showing a workman in a shipyard.
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