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Our Good Mule Industry.jpg
Poster showing a mule "Industry" on a treadmill powering a factory, which is producing "Shoes," "Drugs," "Clothes," "Hats." The mule is bothered by files labeled "Strife," "Unfair laws," "Agitator," and "Taxation."

For every woman worker.png
Poster showing a parade of women workers wearing uniforms appropriate for specific jobs.

British artillery in action during World War I

French Renault FT tanks being operated by the United States Army during World War I.

World War I German Navy during 1917.

A ration party of the Royal Irish Rifles in a communication trench during the Battle of the Somme.

US Army soldiers train with the Colt M1911 pistol.

US Army soldiers posing with Colt M1911 pistols.

women workers.jpg
Women in the Colt Manufacturing Company making barrels for machine guns.

colt ad 2.jpg
A advertisement by weapons maker, Colt Manufacturing Company.
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