For Lending purposes and for all NON-RECIPROCAL libraries:
Full text thesis or dissertation: If we are only sending a link the cost is: $15 charge.
SCANNED COPY of thesis or dissertation, then we charge $15 for the first 20 pgs and $.25 per page thereafter.
Update it in ILLiad as follows:
1) Go to Search Stacks/Update Stacks Search: enter the TN number
a. IF sending a link: select FOUND & apply the $15 charge.
b. IF we are scanning, count the pages. Calculate this and be sure the lending library’s max cost can cover the charge. Enter the number of pages, into the “Pages” box on the update page, select found and finish the billing. Send the item to the back room to be scanned.
Then if sending the link:
2) Go back to EDIT, search for the record. Select EMAIL “Full Text Thesis/Dissertation”
3) In Consuls find the link to the document, copy it and paste in to the email, then hit send.