August is the perfect time to play with ILLiad 8. The way I tried to get used to it, was to just open it and play with it. I think I tried updating outgoing loans first. Then when I had time I tried looking at how the queues work.
The hardest part I felt to get past was the look and the fact that you can have both borrowing and lending tabs open simultaneously, so that you don’t need to keep switching back and forth.
I do need to revisit the subject of why the CONSULS Priority slips do not print correctly in version 8, I will attempt to fuss with that when I get back from vacation. I would just go in and look at the slips and delete the ones that are not CONSULS, then print. If it is the whole file, then ok, delete all the slips.
The other thing I found helpful was the link to ILLiad 8 Documentation. So, I put the link on the blog so we can all find it.
Try it, you might like it……