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Oral interview with Celeste Padua

MVI_0109 (3).m4v
This is Part 4 of Bill Potvin's personal oral history. He discusses being a student in the late 1960s and makes comparisons to being a student today.

MVI_0109 (2).m4v
This is part 3 of Bill Potvin's personal oral history interview. He discusses his family history, Hosmer Mountain Soda, and Willimantic, CT with interviewer Andy and notetaker Jacob.

MVI_0109 (1).m4v
Bill Potvin sits down with interviewers Andy Sistrand and Jacob Reyes to talk about Willimantic, Hosmer Mountain Soda, Anti-War Activism as a Vietnam War Veteran, and his family history.

Bill tells us about Willimantic, Hosmer Mountain Soda, the importance of being a progressive, and his feelings as an Anti-War Activist and Vietnam War Veteran

An interview with Andrea Velez

Amy Angosh: Heritage Roots
Amy Angosh is an Immigrant from London, England living in New Britain, Ct. She was interviewed by Sammy CampoVerde; A local history student at CCSU. During the interview Angosh and CampoVerde discuss topics regarding heritage, community roots, and…
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