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  • Tags: Gladys Moreno-Fuentes

An interview given by Gladys Moreno Fuentes during the History Harvest. She discusses the fertility goddess depiction she brought with her and its significance to her.

An interview conducted with Gladys Moreno-Fuentes during the 2018 History Harvest. Mrs. Fuentes discusses the drinking cup and bowl set she brought in.

This item brought in by Gladys Moreno Fuentes, an employee at Central Connecticut State University, is a hanging decoration depicting the Fertility goddess of the Tainos people Atabey out of clay on a wooden back. It measures at about 3.5” by 5.25”…

The items seen here are traditional eating and drinking utensils first used by the Tainos people indigenous to Puerto Rico. Brought in by Gladys Moreno Fuentes, an employee of Central Connecticut State University, the set includes two bowls or plates…

The pandero is a percussion instrument that is a member of the Membranophone family. The pandero is a very popular instrument, and it is very significant throughout Latin America but it is especially important in Puerto Rico. In my research, I found…
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