Browse Items (312 total)

A ration party of the Royal Irish Rifles in a communication trench during the Battle of the Somme.

LOC - Lullaby.pdf
Sheet music booklet for the song "While Your Daddy's Far Away."

William Cummings.pdf
The article at the top has the American Flag logo which is typically placed at the top of any articles in the Ridgefield Press which have news about the war. Underneath it gives a short obituary to him pertaining his service during the war and life.

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It is an account on the food plan leading into the war and in the event of war. It was published in the Ridgefield Press.

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There was a basketball game between the Ridgefield team and the Danbury team which was referred to as "Germans".

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The first two pages of the item are also discussing Ridgefield and the War, but the image had been damaged and is partially illegible.

Picture Store1.jpg
Simple small advert of a frame around the text offering pictures of General Pershing for 30 cents.

CCSU - Repubilican Club.jpg
Letter to Governor Holcomb from Republican Club of NY suggesting legislation to mandate that enemy aliens wear a button or pin identifying their nationality

Nurses apron.jpg
Red Cross Nurse's Uniform Apron WWI, machine stitched with mother of pearl buttons

WEFA_3066_photos_013 (1).jpg
Photo of the Red Cross Training Class with Dorothy and Cora Weir in the back row.
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