What is Americanization?

Millions of immigrants came to the United States at the turn of the 20th century. In an attempt to integrate these newcomers, the Americanization Movement was introduced. The goals of this movement were “to change the unskilled inefficient immigrant into the skilled worker and efficient citizen” and to show them “the spirit of America, the knowledge of America, and the love of America.”  These goals were met through organizations and local community centers who offered free classes on citizenship requirements, American history, sewing, and hygiene and many businesses provided English classes to create a more equipped employees. 

Just what is Americanization? What is good citizenship? As of 1918, is what various leaders and organizations had said on the matter: 


Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States:

 A good citizen is one who constantly and consciously accommodates his conduct and his business to the rights of others and the interests of the community.

 Charles W. Eliot, president emeritus of Harvard University:

 The good citizen is an intelligent and judicious man who loves freedom, justice, and mercy, and is prepared on occasion to sacrifice his own interests to the common good.

 E. H. Gary, president of the United States Steel Corporation:

 A good citizen is one who observes all national, state, and municipal laws and is willing to assist in their enforcement. He is honest and fearless. He is loyal to his home and friends and country. He does what he can to assist in promoting the moral, intellectual, and physical welfare of the people.

 Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor:

 A man who does not live for himself alone; one who is concerned in the welfare of his fellows; who will, if necessary, make sacrifices to rectify wrongs, to eliminate evils, and make every effort for the common uplift, who will endeavor by every means within his power to see to it that these principles shall find expression in the laws and in the administration of the affairs of the government of his city, his state, and his country


The Cleveland Americanization Committee:

 Americanization means assimilation into the American life of the community. The keystone to Americanization is learning the language of our country ..... Americanization is the co-operative process by means of which "many peoples" in our city and in America become "One Nation" united in language, work, home ties, and citizenship, with one flag above all flags, and only one allegiance to that flag. Americanization is a co-operative movement, bigger than America. It is a worldwide movement that all peoples may be united in a "world brotherhood." It is part of the aim of the great war being waged, that the world may be made safe for "democracy" abroad and at home as well. Americanization is carrying democracy to all peoples, first, within the boundaries of America, and second, to all peoples without the boundaries of America, in order that the world may have a greater industrial, educational, economic, and political freedom.

The National Americanization Committee:

The interpretation of American ideals, traditions, and standards and institutions to foreign-born peoples. The acquirement of a common language for the entire nation. The universal desire of all peoples in America to unite in a common citizenship under one flag. The combating of anti-American propaganda activities and schemes and the stamping out of sedition and disloyalty wherever found. The elimination of causes of disorder, unrest, and disloyalty which make fruitful soil for un-American propagandists and disloyal agitators. The abolition of racial prejudices, barriers, and discriminations, of colonies and immigrant sections, which keep people in America apart. The maintenance of an American standard of living including the use of American foods, preparation of foods, care of children. The discontinuance of discriminations in housing, care, protection, and treatment of aliens. The creation of an understanding of and love for America and the desire of immigrants to remain in America, have a home here, and support American institutions and laws.

 Samuel Rea, president, Pennsylvania Railroad System:

 The task of producing good United States citizens from the millions of men and women of alien birth who are in this country, and who in normal times come here by the hundreds of thousands yearly, appears to resolve itself into two problems: First, America must be made to seem to these people a good place, not merely to make money in, but to live in. Second, they must be induced to give up the languages, customs, and methods of life which they have brought with them across the ocean, and adopt instead the language, habits, and customs of this country, and the general standards and ways of American living.

Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior:

 What is this Americanism? It is not internationalism; it is the most intense nationalism, because through this Nation mankind is to be served. Americanism is not pacifism, because Americanism is courage, and there can be no such thing as manhood or womanhood without courage. Americanism is not cynicism; it is enthusiasm. Americanism is not indifference; it is purpose. It is not being carried away with the idea that there is some guiding fate that will lead us in some mysterious way into the happy land. It is a consciousness through our whole being that things can be achieved by work and by will, and that is the lesson that you are to carry that you are carrying, that you are preaching every day to the children of America. And how can you do it? You can do it by teaching American history in the American tongue, by giving American standards, by letting American boys and girls know that the history of the United States is not a mere series of fugitive incidents, remote, separated, unrelated, but is a philosophy going through the history of I40 years; by teaching them that those men in America are noble who contribute to the elevation of American ideals and that those men are ignoble who do not add to the march of this philosophy of mankind.

What is Americanization?