Browse Items (17 total)

  • Collection: Espionage and Dissidents

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The letter states,
"Dear Madam:
The Federal investigator for the committee on the Conservation of Food supply informs us that you have a surplus amount of canned fruits, vegetables, jellies, etc. over the above the number permitted for a family…

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The following is a response to the Council of Defense call for detectives.
"Thomas Hews Esq. Secretary,
Connecticut State Council of Defense, Hartford, Conn.
Dear sir:-
In reply to your letter of Sept. 6th. requesting the name of someone who…

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Connecticut State Council of Defense
Dear Sir:-
Sometime ago you received from us Town Bulletin #3 requesting you report to the Council instances of disloyalty or utterances of a seditious or traitorous nature, etc.
We have received a request…

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Hartford Ct
Feb. 4, 1918
American Council of Defense
Owing that I am a American citizen. I think it is my duty to inform you that a boy named Francine Quigley 70 Vanblock Ave. city. is tearing down quite a number of those zone warning…

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The following is a response to the Council of Defense agreeing to serve as a detective for the Navy.
"Thomas Hewes, Esq.,
Secretary of the State Council of Defense,
State Capitol,
Hartford, Conn.
My dear Hewes:
Replying to your letter of…

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The following is a note from of a phone call made to the Council of Defense.
"Mr. Alsop
Mr. Luddy
Mr. Albert H. House of Windsor reports the name of Mr. Lewis Meher who resides on Pine Swamp Road which runs off the main road at Station 8.

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The First Page, "Mr. Citizen, you are now on the firing line, Imperial Germany is not merely attacking on the western front. She is attacking in every community in the United States. Her assault is under the direction of the German General staff. It…
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