Author Archives: farringtonk

Assigning new library codes in ILLiad for non-OCLC libraries

New procedure:

When you encounter a new library who is not in Clio and not in OCLC, look in the “OFFLINE REQUEST” folder.  In there you will find a record of the last library number code  that we entered into ILLiad.

Insurance label change

Kate from the mail room called today.  It seems that we can only use the blue insurance labels when we insure something OVER $200.  I have pulled the blue slips and they will be in my middle desk drawer if you need it.

From now on use the BLACK insurance labels.  We will be getting more from the mail room.

OCLC and Google to exchange data

From the Library Link of the Day:  Check this out!  OCLC and Google will be partnering to exchange their data to link digitize books in Google to World Cat!  This will give more exposure to libraries and their services.

OCLC and Google to exchange data, link digitized books to WorldCat [LISWire]


Library Link of the Day (archive, rss, subscribe options)

Reusing Priority Mail, UPS, FEDEX, DHL boxes and bags

Since we all know that I am an avid recycler, I find it very difficult to make this statement, but I must.

Effective immediately, we will not reuse any US Mail Priority boxes, any boxes from any of the dedicated shippers, such as UPS, Fedex and DHL.

If you find them in the mail, you can get rid of them.

Thanks, Kim

ILLiad ISO and reQuest RENEWALS

Reminder:  If the origination date of the renewal request is BEFORE April 15, 2008, it will not automatically download into ILLiad.  The only renewal requests that will download are the requests that were imported by the ISO connection, which started on April 15.

So, for the old requests, we can handle them the old way and just be sure to update the request manually in both  ILLiad and  reQuest.

ILLiad ISO and reQuest addresses

We have found a known glitch between ILLiad and reQuest!  The BILLING information refuses to stay the way we format it from day to day.

For example:  Let’s say our favorite library orders a book from us and we change the billing info on their record.  For the sake of the arguement, this is the only request that they send during our time in ILLiad with the ISO requests.  Tomorrow, when they send us a new request, all the billing information that we have edited will be gone and is overwritten by what is pulled in overnight.  Now, if you change their info and find a second request in that same session, the changes will remain.

So, it does not seem to me that we should worry about editing the BILLING information, since it will be overwritten with the next request.

reQuest and ILLiad ISO LIVE — Procedure Change

Hi Everyone,

Since we have gone “live” with the ISO link, we have discovered that due to the different timings between the two systems, we are currently unable to print the C-CAR slips from reQuest.

Why, you ask?  Well, ILLiad runs it’s ISO every two minutes, but reQuest doesn’t update as quickly, so the books will be in the back room and packed and ready to go, before reQuest has been updated.

So:  STUDENTS:  On each slip, cut out the area from the CCAR address down and tape it to the CCAR slips we have in the back.  Be sure to date the slip and to check off the box that says it is a reQuest ILL.

Billing Manager is LIVE

This is a FYI-I have turned the billing manager on!  Chris and I will be generating invoices today.  My grand plan would be to run the invoices on a weekly basis.

New Scanning Procedures

Since the scanner is broken, I have reworked our procedures.  The Reserve room has been gracious and offered to scan things for us.

WHEN UPDATING articles- Look at the article.  If it looks like it will be difficult to get a decent scan on a flat bed scanner, route it to the back room to be copied before it goes to the Reserve Room.

When the materials come back from the Reserve Room, either the UA’s or Kim will get the documents off the S drive and put them in the appropriate folders for the students:

1) Look in S:Access_Services/Interlibrary Loan/PDF’s/.  The documents will listed by ILL number.

2) Cut and Paste all PDF’s to be emailed into the “My Documents” folder.

3) Use MyMorph to change the PDF’s that need to go via Ariel from “pdf” format to “tiff” format.

4) Import the documents to be Arieled in.  Go to: Documents/Import.  Save it with the ILL number.  Leave the slips in separate piles to emailed or sent via Ariel.

5) Delete all PDF’s out off the S: drive and delete the “tiff’s” out of [My Documents.]


The scanned documents that need to be emailed will be in the [My Documents] folder.  Use Outlook and send as usual.

The documents going Ariel:  these documents will be in  the Ariel Archive.  To send them:  Click on the document, and click the Envelope button.  Send as usual.

When you are done to cut down on the confusion, delete the documents out of [My Documents] and the Ariel Archive when you are done.

ISO and ILLiad

SUCCESS!  Today I processed our first ISO test request between AutoGraphics (the people who bring us reQuest) and ILLiad!!

Just had to share!  K