Author Archives: farringtonk

ILLiad Lending Web Activation form and list

I moved all of the ILLiad Lending Web page materials into a folder on the S drive.

S:Access_ServicesInterlibrary LoanILLiad Lending Web Activation

Online Full Text Documents

Since it has been quiet today, I have been playing with ILLiad 8 and Lending. As I am sitting here processing the lending articles, I am wondering….

Since we double-check to be sure that the article is actually there in full text, would it make more sense to just save a copy to the S drive, using either the ILL Request Identifier or the ILLiad Transaction Number. Then the student workers could just go there and find the document and do whatever needs to be done. That might actually streamline things. Thoughts??

Requesting from reQuest using ILLiad

When you are creating the lending string to enter into ILLiad, remember to “A-G:RQST:” in front of every code, then enter a comma and a space. Other wise it creates one big library code that does not make sense to ILLiad, such as A-G:RQST:ELY,HMI,ACT, etc.

ILL Circulation overdue notices

I have decide not to continue the practice of keeping track of the ILL overdue notices from Circulation, since I have access to ILLiad and it is still easy enough to check the files.

Circulation will still give ILL the RECALL notices, so that we can recall materials when one of our patrons need the materials. And they will only do white slips for ILL materials if the item is over 90 days overdue and billed, just so we can double-check that we pull all the paperwork.

Auto Hot Keys – Update

The AutoHot Keys will now automatically open when you turn on your computer! The new list of keys is as follows:
[F3] ONLINE FULL TEXT ***Changed***
[F4] IFM

I am also putting a page on the wiki explaining how I did this and where the files are, in the event we need to edit or add more keys.

Another Non-Circulating Book

Remember the oversized Charley Harper book? Well, we have a new item to add to the list:

Author: Carl Jung
Title: The red book = Liber novus

It is that BIG RED BOOK that keeps coming up in ILL, because it is NEW, beautiful and probably very expensive. Anyway, if you look the record up in CONSULS, there is a message in the notes field that it does not circulate for ILL Purposes….

Lending Clear Customer Email template

When processing faxes or ALA forms inILLiad, the new Lending Clear Customer email template is now operational.  There is one thing I would ask.

I cannot get the salutation to read correctly, so right now it is pulling in the WHOLE shipping address.  So, please edit the salutation so that it reads:  Dear Welles Turner Library, or who ever.  I am still trying to find the correct field tag.  Hopefully some day, I will find the correct one.


ConnectiCar Volume Survey October 26 thru October 30, 2009

During this week:

The State Library is asking us to count all incoming shipments on CCAR.

Here is what you need to do:

Every day, save all of the CCAR slips. Paperclip them together and give them to Kim. If she is not in the office, leave them in the basket on the bookcase by the door of L204.

Thanks! Connecticar

The Wiki

I have spent a little time cleaning up the wiki. I have FINALLY finished working on pages on Theses and Disserations and assorted pages dealing with Full text documents. The Daily Task list has been updated to ILLiad processes. If you see any pages that don’t seem up to date, let me know and I will attempt to clean them up as soon as time allows!

Vendors List

You may notice that there is now a Custom Holdings Group called Vendors. I added this for two reasons, the first being that we might need to actually purchase something and also that we need to get the vendors out of the other two lists. I will double check both the IFM and the RECIP lists to make sure that the vendors do not appear there.