Tag Archives: full text

Digitized Theses

There are over 120 theses that have been digitized that have not been officially “cataloged”. For ILL purposes, when we get a request for a theses or dissertation, we then check the book to see if we it’s available online or if we have permission to send a copy.

IF you find a thesis that has been digitized, but due to it’s age or the author’s choice it is not available online we do have access to the scanned digital file which will save us from scanning it again. Look on S:\\Theses. They are all there by thesis number.

Once the theses have been cataloged, they will come up full text but if there are restrictions,the file will only be able to be viewed here in the library. We will then be able to grab the file from there.

Looking up Lending articles in ILLiad

Sarah noticed something peculiar today, so this brought me to set down in writing the hierarchy of where to look to see if we can send an article full text.

1) Check the Knowledge Base. To do this, use the Collections Tab. If links appear and say YES…click the link to get to the PDF file.

If the KB says NO….

2) Check the Innovative Addon and check the “About Resourse” tab for the title. If it says ILL permitted, proceed to the Citation Linker tab to see if we have the article in full text.
3) If the answer to all is NO…we need to see if we have it in print and get it pulled from the stacks.

Updating LENDING articles

I hope I have finally gotten this straight:

For LENDING articles:

BSCAN will update automatically: take to the back office


Ariel (except FULL TEXT)

Email (except FULL TEXT)

MANUAL UPDATE: give to UA’s or Kim to update




Unfilled article requests

Update before taking to the back room:

Full text — Articles going by EMAIL or ARIEL.