Tag Archives: Citation Linker

Looking up Lending articles in ILLiad

Sarah noticed something peculiar today, so this brought me to set down in writing the hierarchy of where to look to see if we can send an article full text.

1) Check the Knowledge Base. To do this, use the Collections Tab. If links appear and say YES…click the link to get to the PDF file.

If the KB says NO….

2) Check the Innovative Addon and check the “About Resourse” tab for the title. If it says ILL permitted, proceed to the Citation Linker tab to see if we have the article in full text.
3) If the answer to all is NO…we need to see if we have it in print and get it pulled from the stacks.

ILLiad Addons

Thanks to Norm, I am now able to add and change the Addons in ILLiad. He also gave all computers full admin privileges for all the computers that run ILLiad.

Way back when I first installed the SFX linker, Debbie told me that she thought that the Citation Linker might work better. I installed it today, but I don’t think we have the correct URL. So, we are working on that.

I have fixed all the Innovative links to show: www.consuls.org and not the public library. The computers all have OCLC’s Article Exchange on it too.