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  • Tags: Puerto Rico

Awilda Interview.mp3
An interview with Awilda Saavedra Reasco where she discusses the objects that she brought for the History Harvest.

Wilson Trabal-Figueroa.jpg
An oral interview with Wilson Trabal-Figueroa

Artifact #5 Interview.m4a
Interview with Hermi Marrero about the object he brought to the History Harvest.

1 And1a Mate.m4a
Recordings of the Interviews given by Irina Vassatt-Brites during the History Harvest, discussing the objects she brought.

An interview with Julia Rodriguez about the objects she brought to the History Harvest, the photos and newspaper clippings.

Interview 9, 10 and 13.mp3
An interview with Luz Maria Valles as she describes the objects she brought to the Harvest, including the traditional dita.

An oral interview given by Luz Rodriguez where she discusses the objects she brought to the History Harvest.

Interview with Manuel Reyes (MP3)
An interview with Manuel Reyes during the 2017 History Harvest in New Britain. Manuel provides contextual background to the items he brought to the Harvest.

Nancy 11.1 001.jpg
This collection contains reproduced photographs and pamphlets pertaining to the Latino immigrant community in New Britain.  Collected by Nancy Figueroa-Rodriguez, who was involved in the community for many years, items include a newspaper clipping,…

The Güirro, is a musical instrument that originated from Puerto Rico. It is made from a fruit called the Iguerra. The instrument is a notched hollowed-out gourd, and was traditionally used by the Taino. The Güirro is used during many different…

This beautiful canvas of “El flamboyan” was brought in by a New Britain local and although it is not the native tree, it’s one of the most beautiful and recognizable trees across the island. This beautiful and umbrella like tree originated in…

15 Jesus Print.jpg
 This item is a framed calendar print depicting Jesus Christ. Said print originated as part of a calendar manufactured in Añasco, Puerto Rico. Such religious iconography remained a common household item in many Puerto Rican Catholic items. Although…

Description:This object is a necklace, and originally the decoration on the front would have been carved into a rock or painted or drawn on a cave wall. In recent history, the Cemi symbols have been used as decorative pieces to represent the…

A Güiro is an instrument used in traditional Puerto Rican music. It is a notched hollowed-out gourd, which produces music by dragging a wooden stick-like object, commonly known as a scrapper, or more formally called a “pua,” on the rigids on the…
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