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CCSU - Poster Newspapers.jpg
Council of Defense propaganda poster emphasizing assistance and cooperation of CT newspapers

Hartford Courant - Connecticut to Advise Community Singing.pdf
This article explains how the National Council of Defense looked to the Connecticut Council of Defense on using community singing as a way to win the war.

Cora Weir Brest 1918
The first photo is of Cora Weir sitting in her uniform while looking to the left and facing the camera. The second photo is of her standing outside of the American Red Cross station. There is a black background between the two photographs, and a…

CCSU - CDefense Report.jpg
The Connecticut State Council of Defense was appointed by the Governor as the start of the war in 1917 with the charge to mobilize and coordinate resources, and the management of domestic production.

Cummings House 1.png
The Cummings family had lived in Ridgefield for several generations, with William "Billy" Cummings being one of the first to die in the line of service for the U.S. from Ridgefield. A historic home, it had been a place of relaxation and joy in the…

IMG_20161104_123450170 patrotic but dissagreable.jpg
The following is a response to the Council of Defense call for detectives.
"Thomas Hews Esq. Secretary,
Connecticut State Council of Defense, Hartford, Conn.
Dear sir:-
In reply to your letter of Sept. 6th. requesting the name of someone who…

This book provides a plainspoken and thorough introduction to the web for historians—teachers and students, archivists and museum curators, professors as well as amateur enthusiasts—who wish to produce online historical work, or to build upon and…

Hartford men report to the Halls of Record on the corner of Pearl St. and Trumbull St.
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