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  • Tags: Council of Defense

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The images include the press release the Council of Defense recommended and the corresponding article.
The Information for the Press states,
"Hartford, November 11--- The attention of the Connecticut State Council of Defense has been called on…

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One librarians response to orders for a librarian to remove dangerous books from the the stacks.
"Mr. A. B. Sands
Heartford Conn.
Dear Sir,
Your communication to free Public Library Mt Carmel relative to withdrawal of Pro- German books from…

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The following is a correspondence from The New Mexican Council of Defense to the Connecticut Council of Defense in action against Hearst's papers.
We beg to acknowledge receipt of your circular letter #5 dated June 17.
This Council has…

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The following are orders from the Connecticut Council of Defense, May 28, 1918.
"To all local Agencies:
It is necessary that the Alien Property Custodian shall locate all property owned by enemies, our allies of enemies, in the United States. We…

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The following is an alien property account of a local Council of Defense.
Name Land Personal Property Total

Deckert Carl, South end $1950 $270 $2220.

Dede Deidrich, Berlin St. 2229 50 2279.

Fischer Henry H & Mary…

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The following is a decree put up in government and local building written in both English and German.
"GERMANS YOU MUST REGISTER BETWEEN Monday, Feb. 4, and Saturday, FEB. 9
A Proclamation issued by the president of the United States on November…

orders from Washington.jpg
The following are national orders regarding removal of pro-German books from library selves.
To the Several State Councils of Defense,
From time to time we have been advised by various State Councils that certain books of supposed…

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The following is a response to the Council of Defense call for detectives.
"Thomas Hews Esq. Secretary,
Connecticut State Council of Defense, Hartford, Conn.
Dear sir:-
In reply to your letter of Sept. 6th. requesting the name of someone who…

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Connecticut State Council of Defense
Dear Sir:-
Sometime ago you received from us Town Bulletin #3 requesting you report to the Council instances of disloyalty or utterances of a seditious or traitorous nature, etc.
We have received a request…

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The following is a response to the Council of Defense agreeing to serve as a detective for the Navy.
"Thomas Hewes, Esq.,
Secretary of the State Council of Defense,
State Capitol,
Hartford, Conn.
My dear Hewes:
Replying to your letter of…
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