Author Archives: farringtonk

Updating LENDING articles

I hope I have finally gotten this straight:

For LENDING articles:

BSCAN will update automatically: take to the back office


Ariel (except FULL TEXT)

Email (except FULL TEXT)

MANUAL UPDATE: give to UA’s or Kim to update




Unfilled article requests

Update before taking to the back room:

Full text — Articles going by EMAIL or ARIEL.

New way to change from PDF to TIF format

When you open a PDF file there is a really quick way to change the document.  With the document open, click on the printer icon in the pdf (not the browser printer icon).  Choose Microsoft Office Document Image Writer as the printer, click OK and tell it where you want to save the document and what you want to name it.

This will create a multi-page .tif file that you can import into either Odyssey or Ariel for delivery to other libraries or patrons.

ILLiad tips

Here are some tips that I have found in ILLiad.

1) Processing UNFILLED requests:  I know I thought I was going crazy as requests that I knew I had processed for deletion in ILLiad kept returning to the UNFILLED queue. Unless you’re resubmitting Unfilled requests via ILLiad (which also deletes the original requests from OCLC), you need to go to Show, OCLC Request & Delete the request. Otherwise, every time the Connection Manager runs it’ll import the same unfilled requests again.

2) Renewal Requests:  Contacting the patron on the status of their renewals: (We haven’t had one of these yet!) Change the due date to the new due date on the record and then go to the tool bar to Email.  The drop down box says Loan Recall, but when you click on it, it gives you the option to NOT change the status to Recalled. Change the subject to ILL Book Renewed  or whatever and change the recall message to a short note that the “new due date is…” Then if it is a renewal…yes or no….change the status back to Checked out to Customer, which is what the renewal ok will do, too.

You can also use this method to email a patron about a specific request.  Just be sure to NOT change the status to Loan Recall.  It appears to work in both borrowing and lending.

BScan ILL scanner service

Instructions for calibrating the scanner is now on the ILL Procedures wiki.
If you get any red readings, power down and reboot everything.  If you still get red readings on the scanner call the Library Digital Systems Group Technical Services: 1-561-886-2900, select Option 6.

While you were away….

Things have changed:

1) Scanner-We have a beautiful new scanner with LOTS of new features.

2) With the scanner came BScan ILL software.  This new software is what allows us to “deskew” the pages and take out the curve of the book and it FINDS FINGERS.  I will be training all of you on it.  It is very neat and it updates ILLiad automatically!

Processing Recalled for ISO items in ILLiad

I made a discovery today.  We had an item that needed to be recalled that had come in from reQuest.  When I looked at the brief record, I pulled down the [Process] menu and discovered that there was a submenu for [ISO ILL].  This produced a further menu with options such as Lost Item, Recall, Status Request, Cancel Request – Yes, Cancel request – No, Expired Request, and “Send request back to Prior ILLiad Status.”

I did do the recall this way and it did work.  Now I need to check some of the others…..

News from Guilford Free Library

Message from Judy at Guilford Free Library:


Temporary reQuest/ILL changes at Guilford Free Library

Guilford Free Library, Guilford CT, will be closed for the month of August, while we move back from our temporary location, to our beautiful renovated and expanded building on the Green. This may cause a little chaos in our corner of the ILL world.

I have suspended our ‘Lending’ facility through reQuest while we are closed, so if we are the only holding library please place the request again in about a month, and I will fill it for you.

There may also be some irregularities concerning the items we are borrowing from other libraries, although I am trying to minimize these. So if an item is returned late, renewed many times or re-requested please be patient!

Thank you

Judy Haggarty

Library Assistant

ILL Specialist

Tel (203) 453 8282

Fax (203) 453 8288

OCLC to update Reasons for NO

Explanation of Reasons for No changes

This Sunday, July 13, OCLC will be implementing new “Reasons for No” for users of WorldCat Resource Sharing. This change will happen at a later date for users of OCLC ILLiad following the release of a new ILLiad Web service. The original Reasons for No were developed by the ILL Protocol Implementers Group (IPIG). Over the years, some of these reasons have become outdated and new reasons have become necessary. The details of these changes are outlined below.


Beginning in 2008, OCLC started working with an ad hoc group of libraries to revamp the Reasons for No as they appear in WorldCat Resource Sharing and OCLC ILLiad. This advisory group consisted of volunteers from the OCLC ILL Users Group at ALA Midwinter, members of SHARES, library staff who participated in discussions on ILL-L, and Regional Service Providers and any libraries they contacted.

We presented a list of current Reasons for No, asked for user opinions on the usefulness of the reasons and suggestions for new reasons. We also asked for opinions on how “Not Found as Cited” should be handled systematically. We went through this process four times until we came to a resolution where each proposed change had a majority.

Complete list of Reasons for No

Below is the list of Reasons for No that will appear in WorldCat Resource Sharing starting in July 2008. They are in the order in which they will appear in the drop-down list. This order corresponds to how often they are used by WorldCat Resource Sharing and ILLiad users.

In Use/On Loan

  1. Non Circulating
  2. Not on Shelf/Missing
  3. Not Owned
  4. Lacking Volume/Issue
  5. Branch Policy Problem
  6. On Order
  7. Cost Exceeds Limit
  8. Technical Processing
  9. Preferred Delivery Time Not Possible
  10. Poor Condition
  11. At Bindery
  12. Volume Issue Not Yet Available
  13. Not Licensed to Fill
  14. Required delivery services not supported
  15. Prepayment Required
  16. Other

Retired Reasons for No

The following Reasons for No will no longer be used:


  1. Charges
  2. Locations not found
  3. On reserve (now use: In use/on loan)
  4. On hold (now use: In use/on loan)
  5. Not found as cited (moved to system-supplied Conditional response)
  6. Lacks copyright compliance (moved to system-supplied Conditional response)

Changes for Conditional Responses

In the current environment all conditional responses are supplied by users via the Administrative Module and Constant Data. Beginning in July, the WorldCat Resource Sharing system will supply four conditional responses for users:

Not found as cited (will no longer be a Reason for No)

Used when the Lender cannot find a requested item based on borrower-supplied citation information

  1. Duplicate request? (new)

Used when the Lender receives two requests for the same item around the same time. The Lender can confirm that the Borrower truly wants two copies of the same item.

  1. Borrower concerns/please contact lender (new)

Used when a Lender is not comfortable lending an item to a particular Borrower until they have a conversation. This may be due to overdue materials, materials with IFM attached that have not been received, etc.

  1. Lacks copyright compliance (will no longer be a Reason for No)

Used when the Borrower has not noted CCG or CCL compliance and the Lender wants this information to be supplied before agreeing to supply the item.

ILLiad impact

OCLC is making these changes first to WorldCat Resource Sharing. At the same time as the changes are implemented in WorldCat Resource Sharing we will be updating the Atlas Systems Web service to include the new Reasons for No in ILLiad. Until that development work is completed and users have upgraded to the new release of ILLiad that incorporates the Web service, users of ILLiad will not have access to these new Reasons for No and users of WCRS may receive some of the older Reasons for No.

ISO ILL impact

Users of ISO ILL will continue to receive ISO-sanctioned Reasons for No. New OCLC Reasons for No will be mapped to “Other” if there is no logical ISO reason provided.

Other partners

OCLC is also updating the Web services used by other partners that use WorldCat Resource Sharing. We will be making this updated Web service available in July 2008 for our partners to test and implement. As with ILLiad, there will be some lag time while partner organizations implement the new Web service and users upgrade their software.

Thesis and Dissertation links in Consuls

Dana told me this week that most of the corrupted links in Consuls that link to our theses and dissertations have been fixed.  So, we can now go back and search them in Consuls.

Ledger Sheet – Invoice numbers vs. ILL numbers

I was processing checks received today and noticed that since we started with the ILLiad Billing Manager, we have actually been recording the Invoice number.  In our Clio days, we used the ILL number as the invoice number.

So, my question is to you:  Since both are searchable in the Billing Manager, which should we use?  My instinct is to go with the ILL number.

Why, you ask?  The new ILLiad BFR’s do not have invoice numbers, since they are done outside the Billing Manager.  So, the one number that is everywhere is still the ILL number.
