ALA and NLM forms added to BORROWING

I have added two email forms to ILLiad in Borrowing. These can be used when libraries are in non-Lender status. We have a few requests that I could try now, since some libraries have gone lower-case for the holidays.

To send an ALA form to a library that is not in lending status in OCLC.
1) Enter the OCLC symbol in the Lending String box.
2) Select OTH for the system ID.
3) Click on EMAIL.
4) Paste the lending library’s email address into the “To” field.
5) Click on SEND.

The same instructions pertain to a request to NLM, (aka:The National Library of Medicine) The only difference is that when you put NLM in the lender field and select email, the NLM form will have their email address already in the “To” field.


Since the holidays are coming and we are not going to have as many students for as many hours, we should go to plan B on updating the journals.

EFFECTIVE immediately until the first week in February, we will update all journal requests before they go into the back office.

OCLC Policy Directory and World Cat Registry

It has always been a problem that the OCLC Policy Directory has not been fully updated.  The next time you are in there looking up a library and you don’t see the address information that you need, try clicking on the World Cat Regsitry link at the bottom of the entry.

Two things might happen.  You might come to the acutal library’s record, or you  might end up at the main page of the registry.  If you end up there, click on ADVANCED SEARCH and enter the OCLC code in the box.  My guess is that the World Cat Registry will eventually replace the Policy Directory in the future.

ILLiad feature – Copy to Clipboard – Reminder

The first item that is in this presentation that I am viewing today is the feature “Copy to Clipboard.”  I remember mentioning this in passing, but it is so important that it should be posted to the blog.

In both Lending and Borrowing, the book or journal title is automatically saved to the clipboard so that you can then go to Consuls or where ever and then paste the title into any search engine or database. 

There is also a shortcut for the paste feature that is some sort of Auto Hot Key, but I have to figure out how to do that….so there will be more coming on this subject.

Non-Free Lending Articles going through Odyssey Helper

I was right, any Odyssey requests that needed to incur a charge have not been automatically been billed the way they do in the ILLiad Client.

So,  the LENDING person will put “IFM” in the FEE field.

Students:  For US libraries: we charge $15 for the first 20 pages and then $.25 per page thereafter.

For North American Libraries:  ie:  Canada and Mexico:  the charge is $20.

For the rest of the World:  the charge is $30.

In  some cases for North American and International articles, I may decided that we need to add the page charges, like if it was for a thesis or dissertation that we have to manually scan that has many pages.  For most normal articles, we would just charge the straight fee.

I am working on the exact procedure on how to get the billing to add the extra page charge on when we use Odyssey Helper.

ILLiad Borrowing Overdue Notices

I sent our first borrowing overdue notices on October 23rd.  We had notices in every category, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, even though this was the first time we had run them.  I went back and looked at my overdue settings and decided that I did not like them.

First overdue notice will generate when the item is 5 days overdue.

Second overdue notice will generate when the item is 15 days overdue

Third notice – will generate when the item is 30 days overdue – AND customer will be BLOCKED from using ILLiad.  Their record can be unblocked by unclicking “Blocked”.

Borrowing error message in ILLiad

Scenario:  An article comes in from the lending library and there is a problem with it.  We ask them to fix it and they can’t.  So, we re-send the article out to another library.  ILLiad will ALWAYS give you the following message as a flagged error:

“Received conflicting shipped message from XXX with no due date.”

What does this mean?  It means that ILLiad still has the record of the first library and so has a conflict with the second record.  There is no way around this message.

How to Clear the FLAG: Open the individual error message in ILLiad – select: Process / Clear Followup Flag.

Where to find patron’s electronic documents

OK:  Here is a partial link that works.  What you need to do is add the TN number of the document that you are looking for at the end before the last “12345.pdf”

The link is:

You will need to change the 12345.pdf according to the document that you are looking for.

ILLiad Check Out slips and Microfilm

After thinking long and hard about this, it makes more sense to me to treat the microfilm slips as we do regular loans.

So, when the patron comes in and takes the film up to the fourth floor, take the check out slip.

Thanks, Kim

New procedures on the wiki

I wanted to let you know that I have added some borrowing procedures to the wiki.

Look under ILLiad Procedures/Borrowing.

As we encounter new things I am attempting to add them there.  Today I added a section on handling renewal requests.
