Category Archives: Uncategorized

Requesting Renewals in ILLiad Borrowing

UPDATE: We have changed the wording on the ILLiad homepage. It’s nothing major, but when you click on the ILLiad transaction number, above the request it now reads: “Click to Renew Request.”

Adding Call Number Information to Borrowing Receives

I found an easier way to find this information! So, we do NOT have to add the call number information to the record!!!

Isn’t that great, it is one less thing to do.

Mobile ILLiad notifications

Patrons now have the ability to receive any notifications from ILLiad to their RSS readers, such as Google Reader, Outlook etc. Now if they have a cell phone that has a mobile reader, they can receive their notifications there too.

How do they do this? First, they need to login to their ILLiad account. Next in each internet browser, you will usually see the RSS feed iconrss_feed_iconsomewhere on the page. When you click on it and select “ILLiad Notification” you use the resulting url as the feed for the reader. I plan on showing all of you how to do this, since I am sure we may have some questions about it. Debbie created a little “movie” that explains how to grab the feed and will be posting it on the library blog.[youtube=]

Printing Borrowing Return Labels

This is another attempt to try and save supplies. In doing many trucks of returned materials, I found that we can save if we edit and delete the addresses for the materials that came with return address labels. And it will allow you to edit the CCAR return labels which do not print properly. (We could also try tweaking the CCAR labels on the lending book slips, but I haven’t decided about that.)

Leave all of the green slips on, because this gives the TN: number and it makes life easier. Check all the items in through ILLiad Borrowing and run the Print Returns to get the slips. When that is complete, go through all the materials and sort the books into two piles, books with return address slips and books without.

Take the pile of books with WITH the return address labels and compare the addresses on screen with the book in hand. Delete all of the address labels for transactions that HAVE return address labels. (What I do is delete the address and transaction number, but leave the top part of the box.) At this point you can take the green slips off the books that came with the return address labels.

This next step is hard to describe, but here goes: cut and paste the address labels up into the freed up labels. This could allow you to eliminate a whole sheet of labels from being printed. You can then eventually delete all the empty labels from the end of the run of slips.

Seeing this done is easier, so ask me…ok?

Adding Call Number information to Borrowing Receives

In the past 18 months, I have not made a big deal of this since we were coping with the implementation of ILLiad.  But, we do need to start recording the call number information for Collection Development purposes.

When checking in a book from the Lending Library, in ILLiad go to Borrowing, Receives, Check Items in from Lending Library.  Once you locate the record, click on “View Entire Record”.  This will open up the search box.  Enter only the first line of the call number in the Call Number box in the upper right corner.  Then close the record, and then check the item in.  The call number information will be retained and I can run a report on it every semester for Lynn.

Batch Scanning in BScan ILL

There has been so much happening that I can’t remember if I have told everyone about this. We can now scan documents in batches. Depending on their size, I would usually chose to do three or four at a time.

Just scan pull slip number one and then scan the document. When you are done, scan pull slip number 2 and scan the document. Keep going until you are done.

The thing to remember is that when you do the Image Treatment it will take longer, but it will allow you to do another task. Try it, it does speed things up.

EBSCO database codes from SFX

OK: Now, you remember that you need to be watching the citation box in ILLiad Borrowing, because this will tell you which database the patron was in when they found the citation. But, let’s say you need to look for the citation yourself.

SFX is the link resolver that pulls the information into one place for the patron and then pushes it out to ILLiad. SFX will tell you that the database is EBSCOhost, but it inserts a cryptic code in to tell you which database in EBSCOhost they used. Sometimes you can figure it out. But if you can’t Debbie gave us a link to the “cheat sheet” of codes.

BScan ILL Upgrade

On Monday, we had a second upgrade of the BScan ILL Software. This caused a few minor changes.

The first thing you will notice is that the resolution of the computer is different. The text is smaller to allow you to see the complete BScan ILL screen.

When scanning, when you “Scan on Button/Pedal”, instead of waiting for the button to timeout to do the Image Treatment, you can lightly hit the “STOP” button on the front of the scanner. This will exit the scanning mode and allow you to do Image Treatment immediately.

The “Page Size Exception” has now moved out to the main menu. This will allow you to select it, when you encounter a page that is not the same physical size as the rest of the document.

The other big change is that we have the machine calibrated to scan in color now. IN most cases, we won’t be using this, since color scans are so much larger than normal black and white or grayscale scans. But, the option is now there if we chose to use it. You can change from black and white to color by the page. Just select the “Set Color” button when you want to scan a color page.

BRI aka: The British Library is using Ariel!

If you remember, I mentioned a few weeks back that the British Library does not transmit requests via Ariel, because it was a copyright violation. Well, it seems that times have change, because we received a document last week that was sent to us via Ariel.

So, you say, what is the problem….the problem is that we CANNOT transmit it to the patron. So, when doing the Electronic Delivery, be sure to look to see who is sending the document. IF it is BRI, we need to print the article out and delete it, UPDATE ILLiad then contact the patron to come in and pick it up.

New ILLiad Custom Queues

In BORROWING: there are two new custom queues for you to use.
1) Awaiting Borrowing Review: This is where you can put requests that you can’t find or are having problems with. I will be checking it daily.

2) Awaiting ISO Processing: This is where you can put requests that are available in reQuest. Be sure that you tell me which libraries are ILL LENDERS and give me their codes, that will make it faster for me to request them.

Both of these Queues can be found by going to the ROUTE menu.

LENDING: I did create a “Awaiting Lending Review” Queue, but it isn’t appearing where I need it to….still working on that.