Author Archives: farringtonk

Problem searching Journal titles in CONSULS (again)

I found another title that is cataloged the same way that Connecticut History was. It is: Journal of American Culture.

I noticed when I searched it that Debbie has made the changes that I mentioned in my previous post. You will see the title and under the title link will be the listing of the libraries that own it. When you click the link, the page with our holdings opens up.

Problem with 2nd notification email

I have put directions on the wiki about the problem we had with the 2nd email notification. You can find them in the ILLiad Procedures under the Departmental page/2nd email notification and under Borrowing/Renewals.

The problem stemmed from renewals being requested prior to the patron picking the item up. That changes the status to “CHECKED OUT TO CUSTOMER” which accounted for why some books that were on the shelf were missed.

Problem searching Journal titles in CONSULS

We have encountered a problem searching “Connecticut History” in CONSULS. The Cataloging department has discovered that some journals have multiple levels of “brief” records.

When you search Connecticut History, you will end up with the electronic journal and the actual printed copy. In CONSULS, it will say on Brief Record 1 that the State Library is the only one to own this title. BUT if you click on the the title link again, it will bring up the other copies held by the rest of us.

They are working on how to fix this. I hope a note will be placed next to these records saying that “CCSU, ECSU, etc own this item”. That note would give a clue that you should click again. But, I don’t know when that will happen.

My advice, alas is to keep clicking down.

reQuest Search Settings

I noticed that I had a problem a few weeks ago on my reQuest search screen. But with things the past few weeks, I haven’t had a chance to figure out how to fix it.

If when you go to the reQuest search screen to search for a book and your settings have been changed, here is how you fix it. From the Status Browse screen, click on STAFF MENU. On the left, look for: My Account. Click the plus sign next to it to open the submenu.

When you click on the “My Favorite Resources” link you can pick the databases that will be the default everytime you open reQuest. I just like reQuest and the reQuest Serials databases. Click Submit, then log out of reQuest. The next time you log in, you changes will have been saved. Steve said that we had an upgrade a few weeks ago that trashed some accounts, but not others.

Date Due Slips

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that date due slips should go on the same page with the book’s barcode. That makes it easier to check the book out and when checking it back in.

CCAR Delivery for the SUMMER 2009

Due to budget constraints, the State Library has cut CCSU’s and all academic libraries who are on the “A” list deliveries to three days a week for the period of July1 to August 31. I checked the schedule, we are due to receive Monday, Wednesday and Friday deliveries.Connecticar

Flood in ILL Back Office

For our Monday morning excitement, I came in and found that something leaked over the Ariel computer and scanner. The keyboard, monitor and mouse took the brunt of it. The scanner appears to be fine and the CPU was far enough away that it didn’t get wet.

The leak was from a heat/ac pipe up in Susan and Rick’s office, they had a huge mess up there. Facilities will be back to replace tiles, but we need to wait a week to be sure the leak is fixed. As a result, the backroom is somewhat disorganized. But, the computer is all hooked up and the scanner should work, they just aren’t sitting together.

NO ISO requests in ILLiad

Unfortunately, this does happen. When you are doing lending be sure to monitor that you are receiving ISO requests.

WHEN THIS HAPPENS: contact In the subject line enter: Central CT State University ISO Manger and Service. Tell them that we are not receiving our ISO requests and could they please restart both the ISO Service and the ISO Manager.  This usually is completed quickly.

Online books websites

On the old ILL homepage, I have added a new section in the middle entitled “Full Text Books Online.” These could be useful, especially when we get requests from the History department.

Awaiting Lending REVIEW queue

Several weeks back I created some custom Queues for Borrowing and Lending questions. In Borrowing, the queue is used for requests that I need to deal with.

In Lending, they could be requests that we have to email the library and ask a question, or just a request that you don’t want hanging in the Awaiting Lending Request Processing Queue while you wait for an answer.

The problem was on the Lending side, I could not get the queue to show up in the proper place. This problem has now been fixed and will appear under the Process pull down menu when you are processing the Lending and ISO Lending request! Success!