Category Archives: Uncategorized

They lost the “Save” button in ILLiad

From Genie Powell at Atlas:

You may notice after updating to that the save button in the quick access toolbar at the top of the request form has gone missing and just has a blank space. There’s a long story about another bug that we fixed related to layouts but the point is you can get your save button back easily.

When you are in a request, right click up in that top quick access bar section and choose “Reset to Default” (there should only be 3 options in that menu). That will make the save button come back for good.

Let me know if you have any problems getting it back. Kim

Update to ILLiad

From ILLiad:

An update for ILLiad will be loaded on Sunday night so when you come in Monday 12/13 it will prompt you to update.

This update is particularly exciting because it has many new enhancements in it. Atlas went through everything in their development backlog that was an issue for sites that made them still want/need to use 7.4 and addressed them. Some items of note are:

– You can click and drag a tab off of the request form to create a separate form or reorder them however you like. So if you loved seeing the OCLC form on your second monitor, you can now.
– Creating a custom search no longer gives you a loooong list of fields to scroll through but breaks them down by table.
– You can now filter your print jobs to exclude any items you don’t want to print on certain forms like you used to do in Word.

Check out the release notes to see a complete list of all the changes:

C-Car Changes

There have been some changes in the C-Car instructions. When sending A-V materials, we no longer need to TAPE the iffy bags closed, use elastic bands. AND more good news, we don’t need to worry about putting an A-V label on the package either.

Sharon Brettschneider did a new webinar on C-Car. To view the PDF presentation, go to this link: Click the link: “View PDF Version of this Webinar”. I have also posted it on the desktop of the computer in the back room. Please be sure that the students watch it, it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.
Thanks, Kim

BRI and CAI Account numbers added to the Constant Data Record

I should have done this years ago. I have added the BRI and CAI account numbers to our DEFAULT Constant Data Record. This is the record that ILLiad pulls in when it creates a workform. So, now we will only need to remember to change the copyright from CCG to CCL.
I hope this makes life easier.

Scanning articles using Reserve Room scanner

Before you do anything, make sure you can access the Scandocs folder link that I sent you via email. BOOKMARK it!

1) Scan the document using the instructions I gave you. Once the documents re scanned, they will be put into the ScandocsLibrary folder at that link I sent you.

2) Go back to the ScandocsLibrary link. Your documents will be the at the end of the file. Just keep opening the pdfs until you find them.
3) When you find them, cut and paste them to the S:Access_Services PDFs I-PILL folder. If you do not cut them, delete them from scandocs when you are done.
4) Open ILLiad and find the TN numbers and write them on the hard copy.
5) While in ILLiad, I send the “Emailed PDF” email and do a Manual RECEIVE for OCLC.
6) Go back to the S:Access_Services PDFs I-PILL folder, open the article(s) and rename them to 12345.pdf. (12345=the TN number)
7) Transfer them to the server using Filezilla.
8) Delete them from S:Access_Services PDFs I-PILL.

Try using ILLiad 8

August is the perfect time to play with ILLiad 8. The way I tried to get used to it, was to just open it and play with it. I think I tried updating outgoing loans first. Then when I had time I tried looking at how the queues work.

The hardest part I felt to get past was the look and the fact that you can have both borrowing and lending tabs open simultaneously, so that you don’t need to keep switching back and forth.

I do need to revisit the subject of why the CONSULS Priority slips do not print correctly in version 8, I will attempt to fuss with that when I get back from vacation. I would just go in and look at the slips and delete the ones that are not CONSULS, then print. If it is the whole file, then ok, delete all the slips.

The other thing I found helpful was the link to ILLiad 8 Documentation. So, I put the link on the blog so we can all find it.

Try it, you might like it……

Yesterday’s CCAR delivery, Wednesday, July 14

From Sharon at the State Library:

The following libraries may not receive their deliveries today due to driver’s vehicle break down.
Berlin Peck Mem, Bristol Pub, Middlebury Pub., Middlesex Comm. Tech., Middletown Lib Service Center., Russell Lib., Lucy Robbins, Briarwood Coll., Weslyan Coll., Ct Central, New Britain Pub, Plainville Pub, and Southington Public Library.

C-Car Turnaround Study, 2010

Connecticut Libraries:

How long does it take to get a book sent on Ccar? Based on business day calculations the answer is an average of 1.66. Many more results are now available, including a comparison to the results from a similar study in April 2008. Thank you to all the libraries participating in this important study.

The study results are at:

From Sharon

ILLiad 8 Primer

I was looking for some information today and tripped across this great site. The IDS people have done it again and have created a primer to help you get used to ILLiad 8.

I also have a link to the ILLiad 8 documentation on the blogroll if you have a burning question on how to do something and cannot figure it out. I have been using this a lot, it has saved me many times from getting frustrated.

North American and International Libraries

Reminder: Be sure to select either NorthAmer or Intl Libraries as the Billing Category. That way the billing is correct.

If you forget or find a request that was coded incorrectly, in ILLiad 7.4 you can always do an “UNDO OCLC SHIPPED” from the Process tab. In ILLiad 8.0, click on the OCLC tab at the top and click the UNDO SHIPPED, red icon.