Temporary E-Resource Issues

Good morning!

We are having some temporary access issues with students using laptops on campus to get to our electronic resources and databases.  We are working on this issue and hope to have it resolved quickly!  If you find you are having problems, please let us know, we’ll try and have it up and running.


Black History Month Exhibit

Black-History-Month 1
Please check out the Black History Month Exhibit on the 2nd floor of the library! It features books from our impressive general collection and highlights the works of many major black writers, artists, and thinkers, including Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Martin Luther King, Jr., Maya Angelou, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Audre Lorde.

For more information on  National Black History Month, please go to http://www.africanamericanhistorymonth.gov/.

Presidents’ Day Library Hours

The library will be OPEN Friday, Feb. 13, 8am-4:45pm, and Monday, Feb. 16, 8am-10:45pm.

However, we will be CLOSED on Saturday, Feb. 14, and Sunday, Feb. 15.

For the latest updates of delays and cancellations, please go to the Cancellation/Delay page on the CCSU website, www.ccsu.edu, or call the Storm Weather Line at (860) 832-3333.

You can view all our library hours online at library.ccsu.edu.

Enjoy the holiday and stay warm and safe!