Welcome Friends!

Well, I’m happy to report that after nearly a year’s worth of discussion and soul searching (what else is new in academe?) we’re pleased to introduce the Burritt Library blog! The blog addresses two needs that several of us in the building have been grappling with– 1) to find a more informal way of connecting with you, our wonderful user community, so that we may regale you with all the fabulous things going on, both within our sadly nondescript walls and beyond, and accordingly 2) to provide a mechanism for you to connect with us!  I’m delighted that a number of my colleagues in the various departments of the library were interested in contributing to our blogging venture when Edward and I first put out the call for bloggahs. Though we may all work in the library, we are by no means a monolithic entity; many of us have vastly differing job responsibilities as well as points of view– as you will soon find out! Cheers!
