Tag Archives: e-readers

The “Future of…” Conversation Continues Wednesday, 2/15

Future of Books in the Internet Age DiscussionPlease join us for a vibrant discussion of “The Future of Books in the Internet Age.” How will ascent of e-books and the proliferation of tablets and e-readers impact reading, scholarship and pedagogy?  Who are the winners and losers? What are the opportunities for scholars, bookstores, and libraries? These are but a few of the questions that will be considered! The discussion will take place in the Marcus White Living Room at 12:15pm. Invited guests include Jack Dougherty, Associate Professor of Educational Studies at Trinity College and co-editor of the web-book, Writing History in the Digital Age, and State Librarian Kendall Wiggin.

The program is sponsored by the Elihu Burritt Library in conjunction with the Arts & Public Policy Committee, Philosophy Department and Honors Program.