Category Archives: Uncategorized

Electronic delivery processing and HRM

Ok, I bet all of you have had this happen, where you import a document into electronic delivery processing from HRM and it does not behave properly and the only alternative is to print it, delete it and rescan it. As far as I know they are the only library that this happens to.

It happened today and I called Christy about it and we think we found the answer. When I looked in ILLiad at HRM’s library record, the addresses for Odyssey and Ariel were both: Now, who will be the first to ask, when did HRM get ILLiad. They didn’t. What they have is the Odyssey Standalone product. But, the part that really matter is that the addresses were the same. I think that meant when we got a request from them, ILLiad couldn’t deal with the two identical addresses. Christie told me that their Odyssey address has the /ILL after that. So, I modified their record. I think we will never see this happen again to HRM, but if it does, let me know. Actually, if it happens to any other library, let me know, also.

ILLiad’s new Written Off Queue

Chris and I got talking a while back as she processed an OLD unpaid lending BFR. It occurred to me that I could use ILLiad to keep track of this for us. So, today I created a new queue in lending: Written Off Queue.

When we write an unpaid bill off, just route it to this queue and we will keep it there until ILLiad is gone…..

CCSU’s “ONE SEARCH” database

I had some fun today working on the Borrowing Review queue. There was one request in there that had “Journal Article” as the journal title.

I couldn’t isolate it by doing a Google search. So when I went to the Databases page, I tried One Search. Its in the General Topics/Most Popular Databases list at the top.

I entered the article title and then selected different groups of databases to search. And I found it in under one minute. Once I had the journal title, I plugged that in to ILLiad, did an OCLC search and ordered the article.

This was terrific!

What to do when Odyssey glitches

New instructions for Odyssey in Borrowing are now on the wiki:

Odyssey in Lending: for now we should set all Odyssey articles back to [In Stacks Searching]. This could change in ILLiad 8, but I won’t know until I play with it.  I will try to  working on ILLiad 8 and Bscan during April.

C-Car Delivery Time Survey – April 12-16, 2010

The State Library will be conducting a survey to determine the average delivery time for items placed on the CCAR service.   The survey will be conducted during the week of April 12-16 when libraries will be asked to put special labels on a maximum of 10 outgoing items each day.

Instructions are included below.  If you have any questions about the procedure, please contact Steve Cauffman at (860) 704-2223 or

We are  offering two informational Webinars to discuss the survey and answer any questions you may have. The online sessions will be offered on Monday, March 22 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and repeated on Wednesday, March 30 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. There is no charge for the session.

We appreciate your cooperation.  The information from this survey will help us improve our service to your library.  A summary of the results will be made available at:  Results of prior studies are there as well.

ILLiad 8 is here

This morning, Norm installed ILLiad 8 on all of your computers. If you don’t see an icon for it, let Norm know.  Remember, you can use version 7.4 and 8 interchangeably. You can open up 8 and if you can’t figure things out, revert back to 7.4.   Personally, I just dove in opened it up and started to play. Be warned, it looks different. You can change the layout, though I haven’t explored that yet. I put a link to the documentation on the blog also.

If you want me to give you a quick run through, let me know.

And we are waiting for the upgrade to BScan to put it on the computer in the back room.

Awaiting Odyssey Scanning and importing into ILLiad Lending

Things have changed with the upgrade of the new computer in the back room.

When importing an electronic document into Odyssey Lending, change the document to a tiff and save in My Documents. This hasn’t changed.

In ILLiad, we NO LONGER have to change the status back to “In Stacks Searching” status for Odyssey documents. Odyssey is looking for the “Awaiting Odyssey Scanning” status.

The problem we encountered is that sometimes when the document is imported the document information does not populate the field and the [SEND] buttons are grayed out. When this happens, just type in the TN number and hit [Enter]. This should populate the screen and the [SEND] button will appear.

The Digital Microfilm Machine

The Scanwrite software on the Digital Microfilm machine on the fourth floor was upgraded this week after the CPU was replaced.

The major improvement is that you can now print from the scanner using [F11]. If you want to save the JPG to your flash drive, [F10] works too.

We have created a “Welcome Screen” that will open up when a patron logs in. To continue on to the software, hit any key. When the patron is done, type “QUIT”.

Changing and html link to a PDF

You are looking for an item for a patron and instead of being able to be saved as a PDF, the only option is HTML. This means that we have the full text, but it wasn’t scanned from the original. Let’s say that we own the item and want to post it for our patron. *** Remember: Matt used to do this. ***

Save the item as an HTM or HTML document. Copy the original text into a WORD document and SAVE it as a PDF. Could it be easier? No…then…Post it to the server through Filezilla and send the email to the patron. Have fun!

Renewal button in ILLiad Lending Web pages

We received a call from a library who has been using our new lending homepage. She wanted to request a renewal, but when she looked at the item in her account, there was no option to renew. Yes, this confused me too.

David at OCLC Support told me that when that specific request was entered, it went into the system with a System ID: OTHER. When he changed it to “LWEB” and looked again at the account, the renewal button appeared.

I am not sure what is easier, fielding the lending libraries phone calls, or trying to remember to fix this when entering a new request. –OR–Radical idea, effective now, we activate the account and send the request back. When did we start this November? What do you think?